We are very fortunate to have nutritious meals prepared daily on the school premises. Our school dinners are provided by LUNCHTIME Co and are planned to ensure children receive all the necessary nutrition that they need as they grow and develop. Please click on the link at the top of the page to view the current menu and visit LUNCHTIME Co's website: https://www.lunchtime.co.uk/ if you would like more detailed information on the nutritional and allergen aspects of our school dinners.
From September 2014 the Government’s “Universal Infant Free School Meals” policy entitles all pupils in Reception, Year 1 and 2 to be eligible for free school meals.
The current cost of a school meal for children in Years 3 to 6 is £2.60 and dinner monies must always be paid for in advance of the meal being taken.
The methods of payment that we accept for school meals are as follows:
Via ParentMail
As a school, we encourage online payments via your ParentMail account to assist with administration and to ensure you have a record/receipt of payments made. If you need help setting up a ParentMail account or understanding how to use your account to pay for school dinners, please email admin@risbyprimary.com or talk to Mrs Bucher or Ms Bird in the school office.
By Cash at the School Office
Cash should be placed in an envelope clearly marked with your child’s name, class, and the dates for which the payment relates and handed to Mrs Bucher or Ms Bird in the school office. Cash payments for school dinners should be sent into school on the Monday for the week.
Your child is entitled to free school meals if you receive any of the following:
To check if your child is eligible, apply online at https://www.suffolk.gov.uk/children-families-and-learning/schools/school-meals-uniforms-and-trips/apply-for-free-school-meals/ for an immediate response or call 0345 606 6067 for advice.
Healthy Packed Lunches:
If you would prefer, you can send a packed lunch into school for your child. Please make sure that your child has a lunch box marked with their name. Packed lunches are eaten alongside school meals under supervision in the school hall. We encourage healthy eating and therefore ask that you do not include chocolate bars or sweets in your child's packed lunch. Unless Mrs Miller has agreed otherwise, children should only bring water to school and squash, juice, smoothies or fizzy drinks are not permitted. Water is available for all children at lunchtime, whether they are having a school dinner or have brought a packed lunch.
Please provide items that your child can open independently and avoid foods that are hard to manage. It is helpful if you make a snip in the wrapper of tightly packaged items.