Ofsted: Our children are very proud of their school and say ‘you can be, who you want to be.’ They feel valued because their views are listened to and they feel happy and safe. Classrooms are calm, orderly and respectful places to learn and our children fully engage with all learning opportunities. The school has planned an ambitious curriculum that develops pupils’ knowledge and deepens their understanding of the world they live in. The children are enthusiastic about the content of the curriculum. Across the school, there is an ethos that nurtures a love of reading and important reading skills are consistently taught from early years to Year 6. As a result, our children develop into confident, fluent readers. The school provides well for the children’s wider development and our children learn to care for the environment and for each other: to Believe, Grow & Shine.
- Risby CEVC Primary School,
- Aylmer Close, Risby,
- Bury St Edmund's, IP28 6RT,
- Email: admin@risbyprimary.com
- Telephone 01284 810367
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