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The Governing Body at Risby CEVC Primary School is responsible for policy and strategy and the Headteacher is responsible for the day-to-day running of the school and ensuring that the policy and strategy agreed by the Governors is implemented. The Governing Body has a large number of legal responsibilities and amongst these are ensuring that the National Curriculum is properly delivered, arranging for religious education to be carried out, deciding how to spend the delegated budget and approving the many different school policies, such as those referring to discipline and behaviour and health and safety. If you would like to contact the governors, please do so either telephoning the school on 01284 810367 or by email to:


Governor NameCategory Of GovernorBody AppointingMembership of Committee(s) Key ResponsibilitiesDate Term of Office 
Mrs Suzy Stennett  (Chair) Co-optedGoverning BodyQuality of Education (Chair), Early Years (Chair), Resources, Headteacher Performance Management Review (HTPMR), Personal Development, Health & Safety, Safeguarding (Chair), Designated Safeguarding Governor31.10.19- 30.10.23

Mrs Tracy Willmott


Co-optedGoverning Body Resources (Chair), HTPMR7.7.19- 6.7.23

Mrs Sarah Lockhart

(Vice Chair)

FoundationParochial Church Council of St Giles, RisbyQuality of Education, Early Years, Personal Development (Chair) SEND Governor, HTPMR1.9.21- 29.8.25
Dr Kelly CornishFoundationDiocese of St Edmundsbury & IpswichPersonal Development, Quality of Education, Early Years

4.3.19- 3.3.23

Mrs Sarah WardCo-optedGoverning BodyQuality of Education, Early Years, SEND Governor

15.7.21- 31.8.22


Ms Hannah Currey Parent Parents & Carers of Risby CEVC Primary SchoolHealth & Safety and Safeguarding, Quality of Education, Early Years

15.7.21- 24.11.22


Mrs Soo MillerHeadteacherGoverning BodyQuality of Education, Early Years, Resources, Health & Safety, Safeguarding, Personal Development 
Mr Alwyn EvansCo-optedGoverning BodyResources24.11.22-23.11.26
Dr Leighton DannCo-optedGoverning BodyQuality of Education, Early Years24.11.22- 23.11.26
Mr Bazil LawrensonParentParents & Carers of Risby CEVC Primary SchoolHealth and Safety (Chair)24.11.22-23.11.26
Mrs Louise FilbyStaffStaff of Risby CEVC Primary SchoolQuality of Education, Early Years, Resources, LAC Governor2.9.19- 1.9.23
Revd Nicola Grieves


(ex officio)

Diocese of St Edmundsbury and IpswichPersonal development28.11.22

Revd Lynda Sebbage

 Foundation (ex officio)  Diocese of St Edmundsbury & Ipswich Personal Development



Mr Ben RamsayParentParents & Carers of Risby CEVC Primary SchoolResources13.2.22- 12.2.26
Ms Maria FulcherParentParents & Carers of Risby CEVC Primary SchoolQuality of Education

18.10.19- 13.2.22


Mrs Emma Curwen AssociateGoverning BodyQuality of Education,  Resources,  Health & Safety (Chair), Designated Safeguarding Governor

1.9.20- 31.8.22



Register of Business Interests for School Governors

The register sets out the relevant business interests of governors and details of any other educational establishments they govern. The register also sets out any relationships between governors and members of staff including spouses, partners and relatives.


Name of Governor


(if applicable)

Name of organisationNature of interest

Date from






Mrs Suzy StennettX    
Mrs Tracy Willmott 


Debenham High School

School Business Manager



Mrs Sarah Lockhartx    
Mrs Sarah WardX    
Dr Kelly Cornish  Staff member1.9.19 
Ms Hannah Curreyx    

Mrs Soo Miller



Staff member


Mrs Louise Filby

  Staff member1.9.15



Revd Nicola Grieves     
Revd Lynda Sebbage Barrow CEVC Primary SchoolGovernor25.9.20 
Mr Ben Ramseyx    
Mr Alwyn Evansx    
Mr Bazil Lawrensonx    
Dr Leighton Dannx    
Ms Maria Fulcherx    
Mrs Emma Curwen  Staff member1.9.20 


Attendance Record for Academic Year 2021 - 2022 for Full Governing Body and Committee Meetings
